Offer List Report

Offer list report provides information about offers pulled from API links provided by advertisers.


Column Name Explanation
Campaign ID The offer campaign ID of the Advertiser
App name The name of the app
Package name The name of the package
Payout The unit price of offer
Country The country where ads are launched
Status The pulling status of the offer: Online/offline
Running status Running Status: Running->Launching; Stopped->Paused
Unrunning reasons Reasons for failure in order selection: the unit price exceeds the upper limit; the unit price is lower than the lower limit; too many skips; Tracking Link did not reach the market; exceeds the maximum number of orders; other reasons
Offer received time The first time the offer is pulled
Action ①Click on blacklist to add sub-channels on which the offer does not want to be launched ②For the order whose unit price exceeds the upper limit, the advertisers can click on Confirm to launch the offer after determining that the unit price and currency unit are correct.

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